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Jordan Ashley

45 Articles

Jordan Ashley lives in the middle of the UK with two dogs who routinely beat him on Mario Kart. He's a big fan of playing Wind Waker over and over again while ignoring all other tasks. He also likes Craft Beer and screaming at Splatoon.

0 19
Jordan Ashley
3 Min Read

Funding for Indie Games on Kickstarter isn’t what it was. That’s why it’s so impressive when a game finds an audience so quickly that it smashes all of its targets. OMNO is one of those games. Originally seeking £28,407, OMNO has raised over £70,000 and surpassed…

0 81
Jordan Ashley
4 Min Read

Joggernauts is an auto-runner that’s just been released for Steam and Switch. Unfortunately, it doesn’t live up to it’s potential. The game pushes co-op play but is accessible to single players, although it’s a lot easier with a buddy. Each player controls a different coloured Joggernaut, with…

0 75
Jordan Ashley
3 Min Read

Hyper Parasite is an upcoming 80s themed, twin-stick shooter currently funding on Kickstarter. Visually it’s a unique arcade throwback, mixing 3D models with old fashioned 2D sprites. Hyper Parasite feels like a cross between The Warriors and The Ninja Turtles Arcade game,with some extra ultra-violence thrown in for good…