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Nic Reuben

57 Articles

Nic Reuben likes to pause games every five minutes to ponder the thematic implications of explosive barrel placement. When he's not having an existential crisis over CAPTCHA verifications that ask him to prove he's not a robot, he's reading sci-fi and fantasy short stories, watching cartoons, and mourning the writing standards in Game of Thrones.

0 18
Nic Reuben
1 Min Read

There’s an odd sadness to the twee, fuzzy notes that greet you on starting The Onus Helm. They ripple up from darkness, sweet but heavy, scraping themselves along the torchlit stone walls. There is an unsettling spaciousness to the room, too. Cavernous and claustrophobic at once,…

0 54
Nic Reuben
1 Min Read

Do the dreamers of this world give form to the dragons, or do dragon dreams form the world? If you want to know, Storyseeker might have some answers. Then again… You wake to the buzz of television static, its granulated greys pierced through with audible…