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Julie Morley

357 Articles

Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.

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Julie Morley
3 Min Read

Evil Everywhere And Time Traveling Shenanigans Mr. Fiskers – Previewed By Julie Morley [divider] [dropcap]M[/dropcap]any of you may have already read my announcement article about the new Kickstarter campaign for the game Mr. Fiskers, the tower defense game without much of the actual tower defense….

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Julie Morley
3 Min Read

I Am The Master Of The Universe! Universim – Previewed By Julie Morley [divider] [dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith great power comes great responsibility and when you’re the god of an entire planet, that can be quite a bit to put on your plate. Starting from the ground up,…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

When you play with kings, you either win or you die. You are a king. Yes, just relish in that. Enjoy your 8bit leadership in your 8bit world on your mobile devices. You don’t have to fancy Game of Thrones to enjoy 8 Bit Kingdoms,…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

The roaring twenties, a time of such youth, culture, and progress. The times were changing and roles were shifting in our society. Swing, jazz, alcohol, and parties like you couldn’t imagine. It was a time to remember. Now, let’s apply this to an RPG. As…